Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Day of Swimming

Our Friend Lisa called yesterday to ask if we want to come over to play and go swimming. All I have to mention to Ethan is that Lisa called....His reaction automatically is "when are we going over there?".

Her husband Mark always gets in the pool with the kids. Yeah Mark! Lisa and I usually are doing something in doors. I stepped outside to take a few pictures of the boys. This year is the first year that Ethan and Ashton are swimming without assistance. They are little water bugs.

When they saw the camera they were all about showing me how they jump in the pool. They were both doing Canon Balls. Ethan asked me to watch him...he stood on the side of the pool with his back to the water and feel straight back. Basically doing a back flop. I asked him if it hurt? He said and I quote "no, I'll show you what hurts".

So he walked to a different part of the pool and proceeded to do a Belly Flop. The first thing he said once he came up out of the water "See that is what hurts". See picture below. I got him in action.

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