Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friends calling Ethan...

You know your son is getting older when you answer your cell phone and the person on the phone is your son's classmate.

Ethan and Max exchanged phone numbers today at school. Max lives about 5 house down from us and they are in the same class. Max called tonight to ask if Ethan could come over and play.

This is what I hear Ethan saying..."No I can't watch sponge bob. Because my mother doesn't allow me to. But I did get to watch it today while my daddy was trying to get a job."

It is really funny to listen to Ethan talk on the phone. Apparently Ethan got to watch TV while daddy was interviewing at a oil change place today.

Ethan couldn't play with Max today because he had already taken a shower and I didn't want him to go play and get dirty again. I told Max that he could play tomorrow after school.

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