Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fools Day

Every April 1st the girls at the office try to get the boss. Two years ago we Foiled her office. We wrapped everything on her desk in tin foil. Last year we wrapped her car in plastic wrap. This year we came up with a last minute idea. We would all call into work and say we couldn't work due to some silly excuse. We couldn't all call at the same time so we started on Wednesday night and thru out the night we would text her with our messages that we couldn't work Thursday. Most of the excuses were our children were "sick" or we had to take our mom to the doctor or we needed a day off and enough said.

What makes this even more funny....its an accounting office. We are in the middle of the tax season. The big deadline is in two weeks and no one is coming to work.

Of course we were all going to be in the office. We all parked across the street so when the boss came to work she wouldn't see any of our cars.

It worked out so great!!!! She told us later she was thinking on her way to work she was disappointed that no one would be in the office to play April fools jokes. It even confirmed it when she pulled into the parking lot and no one was there. Little did she know we were waiting inside.

It took her a minute to come in but when she saw us she started laughing and said "y'all got me". She loves April Fools Day.

No we are working on next years prank.

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