Monday, June 29, 2009

Graduation from Kindergarten

Ethan Graduated from Kindergarten June 5, 2009. Look how excited he was walking up to the stage. He is the second one from the left.

His class did a couple little skits. He was Noah in one of them. He did a great job memorizing his lines.

Now he is smiling big. I'm sure he is like WA HOO I'm getting off the stage.

He is still practicing on smiling. His hands are full of awards he received. He received an award for Excellence and a trophy for being a Diligent Worker. He also got 3 ribbons for track and field day along with his little diploma.

These are Ethan's buddies at school. Notice they all raked in the awards.

The school had a cake to eat afterwards. They had the class picture on it. What a great idea. The kids loved it.

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