Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He says the funniest things....

Ethan has been coming to work with me lately since school is out. One thing I do is scanning. Our company is going paperless so there are things to scan in on a regular basis. He loves to help me scan. He controls the mouse and I use the keyboard.

One of the girls in our office walked by and her hair was down. Her hair is very long...past her bottom. He says "Heather has really long hair" I agreed. Then he said "I wonder what is the world record for long hair?". I said "I don't know". He said "look it up on the computer. you can type without looking at the keyboard and you can read a lot faster than me so you should look it up on Guinness World and I can't spell that and then read it to me". By the time he finished telling me all this I was on the floor laughing.

He went into this long run on sentence that made me laugh. I don't even know if he took a breath during this sentence. He cracks me up.

I ended up telling him I couldn't look it up at that moment but that is something we can do at home on our personal time.

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