Monday, August 22, 2011

How Ethan took the Big News

I didn't know when to tell Ethan I was pregnant. So after traveling to Bama I decided to tell him the day we returned home. So here is how it played out.

Russell said I could have the pleasure telling him. I was like how nice of you honey. So I sat Ethan down on the bed and said "I have something very important to tell you. What I'm about to tell you will change your life forever". I told him to think about that and come back in a little while and I'll tell him more. So he comes back and I said "Well what do you think?" He said "We are moving?" I said "no". He said "I'm gonna have a baby brother or sister?" I said "well yes".

So he proceeded to cry. He said "I don't want to have to take care of a baby. And I don't want to share my room and I don't want to run out of food." I assured him that It was Mommy and Daddy's responsibility to take care of the baby. I also said that the baby would have it's own bedroom and not to worry that he will have plenty of food to eat.

I was trying to to laugh at this but he is only 8 yrs old and the things kids worry about it so interesting to me. I ended up telling him to sleep on it and we will talk about it in the morning.

The next morning I went to wake him up and asked him right away "How do you feel about being a big brother now?". He smiled and said he liked it. I got him a shirt that says "Hey Everyone I've got BIG news... I'm going to be a BIG Brother!" He loved it . He got to wear it and tell everyone that he was going to be a big brother.

Since then he has gotten to hear the heart beat and watch my belly grow. He has asked questions and has really accepted it very well.

He did tell me not to tell any of his teachers because he wants them to think he is still the only child. Apparently if you are the only child you get special treatment at school. There were only 3 kids in 2nd grade that were the only child. I told him he was no longer going to be in the category.

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