Monday, April 11, 2011


We spent Turkey Day in Bama. As always we enjoy our trip. Melissa and I did our annual day after Thanksgiving shopping trip. This year it started at midnight on Thanksgiving day at Toys-R-Us. It started well until we reached the parking lot of Toys R Us and saw the thousand plus people waiting in line to shop. After 3 hours and watching a cold front with rain come in I finally reached the front door. While I waited in this line Melissa braved Walmart. She ended up picking me up as I finished shopping at Toys R Us. The car was packed but we still had Target, Sears and Kmart to go to.

We stopped at McDonalds for a coffee and a soda and headed to Target that opened at 4 am.We were about 200 people from the front of the line but we got right in and grabbed what we needed. I told Melissa I would meet her in the electronic dept to go ahead while I get a basket. Well when I just was about to the electronics dept my feet started to cramp and I couldn't walk. Melissa ended up getting everything we needed and I managed to make it back to the front. We only waited a few minutes in line to check out.

After Sears we had to go home and drop my car off because it was packed and pick up Melissa's minivan. Then we headed to Kmart and back to Walmart for there 5 am specials. We finally make it back home around 7 ish. Just in time for the kids to wake up and Todd to go to work. We took shifts on sleeping. It was crazy!!!

We are looking forward to Turkey Day 2011!

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