Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Accepted into the GT program

Ethan has been accepted into the GT (Gifted & Talented) program at school. He is really excited about it because they do lots of Science stuff. So I'm going to share two funny stories about Ethan & GT.

He came home one day and was telling me about a conversation he had at school with a boy in his class. The boys asks "What's GT" Ethan replies "Gifted & Talented" after thinking a minute the boy says "I'm talented" Ethan came back with "you have to be gifted too" the boy says "oh". When he told me this I immediately asked "What is gifted?" he said "I don't know".

This past week he came home and I asked him "How was GT? What did you do in class?" He said "I'm working on a PowerPoint presentation about Owls" I tried not to laugh since he is only 8 yrs old talking about PowerPoint. So I said "what do you mean PowerPoint?" He said "I get to create a PowerPoint all about Owls and put sounds and pictures in it." I just said "oh that sounds like fun" He said "yeah but I really wished I had my own flash drive"

Let me just say I couldn't stop laughing at either one of these conversations. I really do feel old when my 8 yr old is talking all about computer stuff and needs a flash drive. I was almost 30 when I worked with PowerPoint and about 27 when I got my own flash drive.

He just keeps me laughing and I love that so much. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is great. So funny! Yes, times have changed. Flash drives were on my students supply list (4th grade)- they used them just about everyday saving PowerPoints, Excel projects, etc. He will be teaching you more than you ever thought you could know about computers. HAHA. Congratulations to Ethan!! Miss you guys!
